Words related to category: Ts-P4 Negations, assertions, possibility & evidentiality Note: Category links were automatically generated broadly based on the gloss. As a result some links may be unrelated, which we are in the process of removing.
al emphasis | negative | ałga not | ałga di not | ałga di goo nothing | ayn not | aynł not | di emphatic | -di negative/question marker | dzi if | dzida if/when | -gn possibly | Goł waalt! Certainly! | gyidel refuse something/someone | g̱an cause | -g̱at said (it is __) | ha'wika never | ḵ'a 'ha'wiini Not yet! | nahawt topic | 'nahaw meaning | 'nahoyim= for nothing | 'nii g̱an that's why | ooh yes | txa̱lya'ansk exaggerate |